In addition to a strong committment to his clients, Roger Perez is deeply committed to the Greater San Antonio Community.
From 1991-1995, Roger Perez served on the San Antonio City Council representing the citizens of District 1. During this time he helped open the Central San Antonio library that thousands of San Antonians visit today. He also created numerous programs to assist the San Antonio youth, such as the "CO," and opened literacy centers throughout the city. He helped increase the fire safety in our community. He also helped put more Police Officers on the streets to better protect our citizens.
He served two terms, the maximum allowed by the San Antonio term limit legislation.
In addition, he has served on a variety of local non-profit boards to enahance the quality of life in our community. He currently serves on the American Sunrise board alongside the Founders, his sister, Mary Alice Cisneros, and his brother-in-law Henry G. Cisneros. American Sunrise is dedicated to improving the lives of children in the Greater Prospect Hill community, Roger's childhood neighborhood.
He also serves on the Alamo Plaza committee that is assisiting the City of San Antonio in the restoration of the plaza to better respect the historical and cultural value of this historic landmark.